What Is the Best Food for Good Skin?

What Is the Best Food for Good Skin?

With Thanksgiving quickly approaching, we researched various foods that benefit our skin. Many are perfect for Thanksgiving day, and going forward, reward yourself by consistently including them in your diet. 
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By Philip Rebentisch

Do you remember the adage “You are what you eat”? When it comes to glowing, dewy skin, a well-balanced diet can make an enormous difference. But have you ever wondered what is the best food for good skin

With Thanksgiving quickly approaching, we researched various foods that benefit our skin. Many are perfect for Thanksgiving day, and going forward, reward yourself by consistently including them in your diet. So grab a healthy snack (like a carrot), settle in, and keep reading about some of the best foods for great skin. 

pumpkins for good skin

All Things Orange

Orange-colored foods are a vitamin and antioxidant buffet for your skin. It’s almost as if Mother Nature wanted them to stand out so we’d notice and consume them. 

1.  Pumpkins

Pumpkins (which are a fruit) contain a multitude of minerals and vitamins A and C, which can soften, soothe, and help regenerate your skin. Enjoy guilt-free pumpkin pie and pumpkin bread this Thanksgiving, because they’re good for your skin! 

2.  Carrots

Carrots contain beta-carotene (a carotenoid), which gives your skin a healthy glow. It helps our body create vitamin A, enhancing cell turnover and collagen production. In addition, Beta-carotene is a natural sunblock, protecting your skin from harmful UV rays that damage your skin.

3.  Sweet Potatoes

Like carrots, sweet potatoes are rich in beta-carotene. They’re less starchy (but have more sugar) than regular potatoes and many people find them easier to digest. To truly indulge, adding butter and black pepper takes a sweet potato to a new level of goodness. As an alternative to baking them, sweet potato pie is an excellent dessert!

4.  Bell Peppers

Orange, red, and yellow bell peppers are full of vitamins A and C, beta-carotene, and antioxidants. These nutrients contain natural anti-inflammatory properties that can help calm your skin and reduce redness and irritation. They’re 92 percent water so they hydrate your skin, and the antioxidants help brighten and even your skin tone.

5.  Turmeric 

This potent orange/yellow spice contains curcumin which has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-microbial properties. Spicing things up with turmeric can help with dark spots, hyperpigmentation, and skin tone. A main ingredient for curry powders, Turmeric has a distinct earthy taste that ups the heat level.
 leafy greens for good skin

Go Green

Green, leafy vegetables, teas, and avocados do wonders for your skin. Including them in your diet whether raw, in salads, or cooked also benefits your overall health.

6.  Spinach, Kale, Collard Greens, and Brussel Sprouts

Leafy greens are rich in vitamins A, C, and K which can help repair and maintain skin cells. For a lighter option, chopped Kale baked with olive oil is a crispy and healthy alternative to salty, processed chips. Season to taste for a guilt-free snacking opportunity that nourishes your skin.    

7.  Broccoli

You may have disliked broccoli as a child but it’s good to enjoy as an adult. Broccoli is an excellent source of vitamins A, C, and K, and antioxidants that support healthy skin. If vitamin K is new to you, it helps your body produce collagen for healthier, plumper skin.

8.  Green Tea

Abundant antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties help green tea improve skin health. Green tea generally contains less caffeine than black tea or coffee, making it perfect for relaxing your mind and body while soothing your skin. 

9.  Avocados and Avocado Oil

Technically, avocados are single-seeded berries in the fruit family. Rich in healthy fats and vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K, and more, avocados help moisturize, firm, and protect your skin.

Consider adding avocado slices in a salad, or sandwich, and enjoy copious amounts of guacamole whenever possible. Avocado oil is also a good substitute for cooking with butter or vegetable oil.

 10.  Cucumbers 

Cucumbers are another type of berry and have a high water content that helps hydrate your skin. Spas frequently use them as a topical eye treatment, and eating them at home is good for your skin.

fruit berries and nuts for good skin

Fruits, Berries, Nuts, and Seeds

They’re not just for snacking, these food groups bring a wealth of needed nutrients to the table.

11.  Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits like lemons, limes, oranges, and grapefruits have lots of vitamin C, which helps make collagen and reduce aging signs such as wrinkles, fine lines, and dark spots.

12.  Berries 

Blueberries, strawberries (technically, a fruit), and blackberries contain antioxidants that help protect the skin from damage. 

13.  Tomatoes

Tomatoes are fruits that contain plenty of vitamin C which enhances skin texture. They also have lycopene, an antioxidant that shields skin from UV damage.

 14.  Nuts and Seeds  

Almonds, walnuts, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, and chia seeds are good for the skin because they have healthy fats, vitamins, and antioxidants.

woman in modern kitchen

What Else Is on the Menu?

We mentioned earlier that a well-balanced diet is critical for healthy skin. In addition, a diverse, healthy diet keeps your cooking exciting. 

15.  Fatty Fish 

Fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines contain omega-3 fatty acids that moisturize skin and lessen inflammation. Omega-3s also address acne and hyperpigmentation issues. 

16.  Legumes, Beans, and Lentils 

Cultures around the world use legumes, beans, and lentils as dietary staples. Abundant in protein, fiber, and minerals, this ancient food group supports skin health with ceramides, a type of fatty lipid. Ceramides protect our skin barrier function to seal in moisture and make it appear plumper and supple. 

17.  Olive Oil 

Rich in healthy fats and antioxidants, olive oil helps maintain skin elasticity and protects against premature aging. It also helps fight skin pigmentation. With a high flash point, olive oil is perfect as an alternative to cooking with butter or vegetable oils containing saturated fats. 

 18.  Yogurt 

Probiotic-rich foods like yogurt promote good gut health which leads to a stronger immune system and better skin health. Again, you are what you eat!

19.  Lean Proteins

Chicken, turkey, bison, and lean beef are good for collagen and skin repair because they contain protein that our bodies and skin love. If you’re vegetarian or vegan, consider increasing your preferred protein source. 

20.  No Need to Skip Dessert

Dark chocolate with a high cocoa content contains antioxidants and can improve skin hydration and texture. A few bites of decadent dark chocolate also satisfy the desire for dessert. 

Final Thoughts

For healthier skin, a balanced diet with more nutritious foods and fewer processed food can make a world of difference. Consider adding leafy greens, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and proteins our bodies need for smoother, supple skin. Avoid foods that don’t mix well with your body and enjoy the ones that do. And to that, we say, Happy Thanksgiving and bon appétit!

We enjoy providing information to our readers about achieving better skin, and Rejuran® products can help in many ways. We encourage you to explore them and discover how we can help your skincare journey.   

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